I'm thinking this implies that convert-ly is best used
incrementally by LP version, with no intermediate
upgrading omitted.  So, with original code at Ver 'A'
and my destination Ver 'E', then for best results I'd
install Versions B, C, D and run all four convert-ly's
(A->B; B->C; C->D; D->E)?

Is this right -- that convert-ly is meant to be applied


Colin Campbell wrote:
On 14-07-17 10:52 AM, Larry Kent wrote:
Thanks, James, David, and Hwaen. Convert-ly doesn't handle version 1.4
very well, not surprising. The current project I'm working on is a
very short piece, so I may just start over with this one. Long-term,
however, it would be nice to find somewhere that a user can grab an
old version, install it in a separate folder and work on an old edition.

Would it work if you were to install an intermediate version of
LilyPond, perhaps 2.8.0 and use the convert-ly from that version to get
you part way, then run convert-ly from your current version to finish
the job? This is untested, but may be a more general solution than
simply recoding from scratch. In principle, it's nearly always worth the
effort to bring an old score up to current levels when you are revising
it, although as you imply, it may not be useful for a minor revision or


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