PMA <> writes:

> I'm thinking this implies that convert-ly is best used
> incrementally by LP version, with no intermediate
> upgrading omitted.  So, with original code at Ver 'A'
> and my destination Ver 'E', then for best results I'd
> install Versions B, C, D and run all four convert-ly's
> (A->B; B->C; C->D; D->E)?
> Is this right -- that convert-ly is meant to be applied
> cumulatively?

No. convert-ly is an application that has rules for each conversion, and
while newer versions tend to add just rules at the end, there have been
several instances where old rules have been corrected.  So you never
have anything to gain from running older versions of convert-ly.

However, if you have some older version of LilyPond around, it may make
the conversion easier by using a current convert-ly but telling it to
stop at your older version of LilyPond.  Then you fix stuff manually
until everything works again (the old rules are really spotty, and there
were some rather drastic syntax changes in those times), and then
continue converting to the current version.  In case the old rules
messed stuff up, cleaning up before applying the next batch of
conversions might conceivably result in less work and/or fewer followup
errors, or at least better manageable work.

So there may be some point in not converting all-in-one-go.  But even if
you stop in the middle, there is no point in doing it with any but the
newest convert-ly.

David Kastrup

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