2014-10-06 17:37 GMT+02:00 MarcM <m...@mouries.net>:
> I agree it is not easier to type but any non-techie musician will find this
> easier to read.
> Adding shortcuts in Frescobaldi will help type the  ♯ and ♭.

Yes, using this symbols will make sense if someone has an editor with
appropriate shortcuts.
Personally i would welcome adding this to LilyPond (rather than having
it as LSR snippet), as it seems to me that supporting this "language"
doesn't cost us anything.  BTW, i would call this language "symbolic",
as it's not really english but something quite universal.

Marc, i can help you with contributing process if necessary, but only
via Skype - i don't have enough time to email regularly (and Skype is
more time-effective).  Actually, it'd be probably better if someone
else could help you :)


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