I could see where this could be useful when sharing Lilypond files. Since
we don't all use the same language setting things can get a bit confusing.

But it seems like this should be something that one's editor does. Like I
type my Lilypond file as I normally do it and then hit "M-x
lilypond-beautify" which will then convert all the "cs"s to "c#"s etc. And
then when you get that file it will convert it back to your language? So a
metafile thingie? Probably more work than it's worth, but, you know.

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Martin Tarenskeen <m.tarensk...@zonnet.nl>

> On Mon, 6 Oct 2014, MarcM wrote:
>  I agree it is not easier to type but any non-techie musician will find
>> this
>> easier to read. Adding shortcuts in Frescobaldi will help type the  ♯ and
>> ♭.
> A non-techie might have problems knowing the difference between # and ♯,
> and between b and ♭
> And what about the double-sharp? What symbol would be used for that?
> I agree it is easier to read. But you normally don't use LilyPond just to
> read music. But if you do, you are definitely not a non-techie :-)
> IMO opinion using these unicode symbols for sharps and flats is an
> interesting idea - but I personally will probably never use it.
> --
> MT
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