On 2013-03-28 Grégory BULGARE <leange...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I am a developer and I want to participate in this project. I want
> to know what are the development standards that you use (naming
> rule, compiler, ....).

Some of the code is quite old, many people made changes here and
there over time. So not too much standard as far as I know. Indent
with 4 spaces, no tabs. Use src/lincity-ng as reference or just
use what works.

Code has to work on Linux, should work on Windows. On Linux this
means fixing some warnings or errors every time a new g++ ends up in
the distribution. Use -Werror for test builds. On Windows there is
mingw, but the only time I check if it really works on Windows is
to build a release.

Wolfgang Becker  ***  eMail u...@gmx.de  ***  http://uafr.freeshell.org/
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