Hello from Gregg C Levine normally with Jedi Knight Computers
Say..... Didn't I just throw that one up into the air, regarding
Slackware? Still Rick has a heck of good point, we should be discussing
this like professionals, and not flaming everyone, just because that
person, may, or may not be right. Anyway, I may not agree with the
decision to release a driver, only in the form of OCO, but it make
sense, somewhere. And not just flapping in the wind either.
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."  Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
> Rick Troth
> Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2001 8:57 PM
> Subject: Re: LCS drivers for 2.4.9 ?
> > No vendor ships Linus base kernel. Linus base kernel doesn't pass
> > QA test suite. Linus role is to put out clean well designed code and
> > ensure development takes the right paths. The vendors then all add
> > top of that various things including bug fixes which while they may
> > the bug are not the right long term solution and so won't go into
> > tree.
> True:  No vendor ships Linus base kernel.   HOWEVER,
> there may be "non vendor" distros which use the base kernel,
> and  (more to the point)  there are customers who can and do,
> and some say should,  build their own kernel,  which would be base.
> Personally,  I always run my own kernel on RH, SuSE, Slackware,
> whether that be INTeL, S/390, or something else.
> But we're getting off-topic w/r/t the thread and subject
> to criticize RH, SuSE, Turbo for distributing customized kernels.
> Several clearer heads have already chimed in:
>         o  the differing business models
>            will always be incompatible in the extreme
>         o  IBM evidently has issues other than the driver code itself
>            that prevent it releasing the driver code source
>            (think about it;  think about how an unscrupulous lawyer
>            might twist the positive precedent of releasing source into
>            less-business-friendly argument about dissolving the
>         o  IBM, RedHat, (indeed, BMC!)
>            do not love their customers per se
>            Thankfully,  there are those within IBM, RedHat,
>            (indeed, within BMC!)  who recognize that
>            customer relationships have more lasting value
>            than intellectual property, and some genuinely love
>            their customers for more than money.
> The second bullet there I think is the crux of this matter.
> And the statement doesn't *solve* the problem,  but neither does
> the word war we've waged.   Work the problem.
> Folks,  we need to think carefully.   Nothing wrong with argument.
> Just be constructive.   Doesn't matter whether it's Alan Cox
> or Alan Altmark,  each man has gotta eat.   Argue productively.
> --
> Rick Troth, BMC Software, Inc.
> 2101 City West Blvd., Houston, Texas, USA, 77042

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