DEB (Legatus Tux) will remember this ...
In a previous lifetime,  I learned the value of I18N.
The good doctor had our student employees coding up  'XMITMSG'
in REXX EXECs on the CMS systems.   I hated it!   Oh the pain,
oh the convoluted work,  just to effect an echo.   [sigh]

But I learned.

Before there was a web,  we were all in search of the CWIS grail.
There was Gopher.   It seemed like a good idea to have a gopher client
on CMS  (Pipelines, REXX, ... all these things made it a fun project).
Of course,  when someone outside the US wants to use your toy
you want to accomodate them,  so I was encouraged to try XMITMSG.
CMS Gopher was,  to my knowledge,  the only gopher client
that was fully internationalised.

I came to love XMITMSG.
Still use it today even for simplistic scripts
where you would think it's not worth the effort.
I learned.   I changed.   You call me "ar" ... bah!

Then we all turned to UNIX,
but I did not find a UNIX equivalent of  'xmitmsg'.
There does exist GETTEXT,  for which GNU GETTEXT looks like a
largely POSIX compliant replacement.   But ... it seems to be
missing something:  token replacement.   In the CMS message tool

                xmitmsg 29 "AAA" "BBB"

would replace &1 and &2 in the repository
with the strings supplied on the call.   (And of course,
you could always have a varying number of replaceable tokens.)
Maybe I'm missing it,  but I don't see this capability in GETTEXT.
What I see is phrase translation.   No, no ... that's not what we need.
Better to have  "message number such-and-such"  which gets localised
in context than to have feeble attempts at string equivalence.

Context!   Express the message in context!

So what do we do?
Write a local  'xmitmsg'  layer on top of GETTEXT?
Is there some other tool to use?

Otherwise,  y'all have a Merry Christmas -- Sir Santa

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