
Having been through this before myself with an LPAR install, the path of
least resistance here would be to use the Ethernet adapter to get the system
installed and running, and then compile the CLAW driver and start using it.
That will involve the least amount of hair loss during the process.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Dyer, Kenny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: Yet Another Systems Programmer Trying to Install Linux390

I've downloaded SLES7 beta to try in an LPAR.  The only configured tcpip
connection to our
MP3000 H50 is thru a Cisco router running CLAW.  The network connection menu
the IPL tape does not include CLAW as a choice.  What are my options from
here?  I'm
considering configuring the MP3000 ethernet adapter just to get by this, but
would rather
use the Cisco router.

Kenny Dyer

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