> It used to be: nobody got fired buying IBM, then it was Microsoft.
Now it is: if you don't buy Linux, you just as good as fired.

Which is pretty well how my storage opinion piece for Computer Weekly starts:

"Followers of Fashion

Fashion often seems to rule the IT world - sometimes beneficially.  It used to be said 
you couldn't get fired for buying IBM - so many people thought the same as you that you
couldn't be wrong.  Then you couldn't be fired for buying UNIX, or Windows servers.
Fashions change, and the fashion safety net has now slipped under Linux.  This, 
however, could
turn out to be a very good thing indeed."

Copyright is mine, but I'll let CW publish first.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
  +49 173 6242039

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