> Hi all, somebody knows whats the diferences between the System
> Administration Facility and DirMaint?

SAF was intended to be a "black box" VM management solution for Linux
guests that involved no knowledge of CMS or CMS functions, similar to
the approach taken by the mercifully short-lived VIF product. It is very
limited in what it can do, and does not allow you the full power of the
VM environment. DIRMAINT is a much more full -function user directory
manager, but assumes you are willing to learn a little bit about the CMS
environment and how it functions. DIRMAINT is much more general-purpose,
and allows you to do all the good things that VM can do.

I believe SAF can use DIRMAINT if it is available, but SAF is not a
replacement for DIRMAINT.

> The situation is that the people from IBM told us that they
> will install
> it after install zvm, i have never heard about it, i read the
> info about
> it and i think that it is a replacement for DirMaint, so i
> want to know
> the diferences between both, and the experience of use.

The general opinion I've heard is that SAF is too limiting to be of much
use in a production environment.  It does not understand many of the
recent enhancements to the Linux environment, and is not generally
useful for environments other than managing Linux guests. The first time
you need an advanced function, SAF must be turned off and further
management performed with the standard VM tools. Once SAF is disabled,
there is no way to turn it back on.

Short summary: invest the time in learning the native tools. SAF is not
a replacement for DIRMAINT.

-- db

> Thanks. =-)
> --
> Alejandro Leyva Rabinovich.
> Jefe de la Unidad Departamental de Soporte Ticnico
> (Administracisn de Mainframe).
> Direccisn General de Informatica.
> Secretarma de Finanzas.
> Gobierno del Distrito Federal.

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