thanks for your reply. The du command was a great help in finding the culprit.
There were two files in /tmp from the installation of a DB2 fixpack which used
up a lot of space. Now we are at 40% and 870MB.
However, I'd still like to know which directories can be moved to LVM managed
space (only those which will not be accessed until LVM initialization). Is this
usual to have parts of root fs in LVM space? In my opinion /var, /usr and /tmp
would be good candidates, wouldn't they?
Sorry for the dumb questions, but I'm just starting with Linux.


"Wolfe, Gordon W" wrote:
> What's on your root?  And what's on the other disks?  Do a "df" and tell us the 
> I've been running SLES7 for a year with root on a 750-cylinder minidisk and /usr on 
>a dedicated 3390-3 shared read-only, /home on a 500-cylinder minidisk and swap on a 
>v-disk.  I've never filled up root. (Okay, so there was that incident with the TSM 
>client logs...)
> Check your logs to be sure they aren't filling up space in /var/log.
> cd /var/log
> du --max-depth=1 -h
> find out where your big usages are by CD'ing into various directories and trying the 
>du command above.  I found that installing IBMJava2-1.4 used up about 350 megs!
> Do you have Oracle installed?  Websphere?  Those can be HUGE!
> They say there are three signs of stress in your life.  You eat too much junk food, 
>you drive too fast and you veg out in front of the TV.  Who are they kidding?  That 
>sounds like a perfect day to me!
> Gordon Wolfe, Ph.D. (425)865-5940
> VM & Linux Servers and Storage, The Boeing Company
> > ----------
> > From:         Werner Kuehnel
> > Reply To:     Linux on 390 Port
> > Sent:         Tuesday, February 4, 2003 3:49 AM
> > Subject:      Root almost filled on 3390-3
> >
> > I've installed SLES7 (Beta version) onto one (of three) 3390-3 dasd. The root
> > filesystem is now filled up to 92%. I'd like to have more freespace and wonder
> > how to do this.
> > Books say that root filesystem under LVM is not recommended. Are there at least
> > some directories I can move (of course on the fly) from root filesystem to LVM
> > space?
> > Are there any recommendations/experiences how to split up root fs to more than
> > one 3390-3 volume?
> > Any hints are very welcome.
> >
> > Werner
> > --
> >
> > Werner Kuehnel
> > IMD GmbH (Mannheimer Versicherung)
> > Mannheim - Germany
> >
> >


Werner Kuehnel
IMD GmbH (Mannheimer Versicherung)
Mannheim - Germany

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