
Try looking at /etc/modutils/*.chandev, but I'm not sure those are the files
that you should be editing.  I'm not yet familiar enough with Debian to
advise you on that, but I believe these are the source files that wind up
building /etc/chandev.conf.

Bill's right, though.  There's really no reason you shouldn't just map the
real physical addresses to the same virtual ones for every Linux/390 guest.
I can't think of any reasons why that would be a bad thing.

Mark Post

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Wicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 1:04 PM
Subject: Where are dev addresses hiding?


I just cloned my debian penguin, changed the ip-addresses and
host names and booted the clone. Neither my ctc0 link or the
eth0 link came up.

After much cursing and gnashing of teeth and scratching
of head I had a hunch and changed the "physical" addresses of
the links to be the same as in the donor system and booted yet
again. And they came up perfectly!

(Another big reason for running under VM!)

My query is, where are these addresses hidden so I can change
them in my next clone? Or, alternatively, how can I make linux
re-sense and re-configure at boot time so I don't have to mess
with it? It appears to do this for dasd.

Dennis G. Wicks             Systems Programmer      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Communications Data Group   Tel: (217)355-7117  Fax: (217)351-6994
102 S. Duncan Rd.
Champaign, IL  61822

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