> > I suppose it should not be that hard to include the relevant
> > information in the bootmap - say after the first word of 0 (or
> > whatever signals the loader the end of the list). And zipl -q could
> > retrieve that by reading the bootmap from the IPL records?
> I agree that putting the information into the bootmap file wouldn't be
> too hard, but I don't like the implications: zipl would need to
> be able to read bootmap files, put a version tag on the
> current format,
> make sure to identify files written by previous versions with no or
> different information. Once external tools access this file, there's
> no way to change the file format without causing chaos with users of
> that tool.

Suggestion: treat it in a manner similar to information entering or
leaving a NIS map. zipl --extract to have zipl read the current map and
export to stdout, zipl --import to read from stdin and write a new
bootmap. You do still have the implication of version management for
reading the internal format, but since you're the only one who ever
knows about that format, ostensibly you as the developer know how to
deal with that...8-)

That way, the internal format remains hidden, and you define a simple
text tag system for import/export. Even in a new or terminally broken
system you should be able to create a temp file.

Anyway. Flogging deceased equines at this point.

-- db

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