On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Mark Post <mp...@novell.com> wrote:
>>>> On 3/18/2011 at 03:14 PM, Mark Wheeler <mwheele...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> 1) The app owner does the install so there's no hiding it from them
> It's going to look just like an EXT2 file system to them.
>> 2) The filesystem is 10 GB, which exceeds the DCSS max (unless we were to
>> string several together w/ LVM - ick!)
> If you're running RHEL 6, you can concatenate multiple DCSS just by loading 
> them at sequential virtual addresses in memory.  I.e., no gaps between one 
> and the next.
> How much of that file system is code, versus non-executable stuff?  If you 
> can segregate the code, that might be worthwhile.

The challenges are probably more political than technical. While I
would expect the Linux crowd to be open minded and eager to master
some of the technical differences, I often see non-mainframe people
use any technical difference as an excuse to resist change. They find
themselves unable to do their job and resist. Force feeding them
z/Linux makes them gag, and management does not see that as their lack
of skills but rather as a confirmation of the "lack of mainframe
skills" that they are concerned about. In reality it's more about
their inability to master a platform other than their local PC
(hardware as well as procedures).

Something like sharing code between virtual machines is new to them,
and probably beyond their imagination. First of all getting things
aligned so that all use the same version of the code, then resist the
urge to update any system at will without considering the rest, and
then the rituals of actually sharing a single copy in memory (and
possibly having to ask one of the old guys for help).

PS I would probably not push a 1.7GB DCSS to save 10 MB per virtual
machine (and spend another 20 MB per virtual machine to attach it).
That is not the thing that makes or breaks your business case. I'm
willing to fight with anyone else who has numbers too...


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