Linux-Advocacy Digest #480, Volume #28           Fri, 18 Aug 00 14:13:05 EDT

  Re: Steve/Mike Gets A Sex Change -- And His 36th Fake Name (was: Why     Linux will 
crash and burn..... (mark)
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("Erik Funkenbusch")
  Re: Gnome, KDE: Swing (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE) (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right! (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Decent Linux CDR software wanted. (OSguy)
  Re: Gnome, KDE: Swing (Craig Kelley)
  Re: being a nice guy is not self-interest (Richard)
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE) (Stephen S. Edwards II)
  Re: Decent Linux CDR software wanted. (Aaron Ginn)
  Re: GNOME & KDE, and the motivation for creation... (Stephen S. Edwards II)
  Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right! (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right! (Roberto Alsina)
  Re: It's official, Microsoft® porting applications to Linux
  Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
  Re: Anonymous Wintrolls and Authentic Linvocates - Re: R.E. Ballard says Linux 
growth stagnating (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
  Re: Is the GDI-in-kernel-mode thing really so bad?... (was Re:     Anonymous  
Wintrolls and Authentic Linvocates) (Stephen S. Edwards II)
  Learn Linux/Unix NOW! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It? ("Aaron R. Kulkis")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mark)
Subject: Re: Steve/Mike Gets A Sex Change -- And His 36th Fake Name (was: Why     
Linux will crash and burn.....
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:07:26 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mike Marion wrote:
>mark wrote:
>> Watch out for Galaxy Quest - it is truly excellent (you need a strong
>Did you note the _extremely_ obvious redub of Sigourney Weaver's line
>when the got the the "chompers?" :)

hmm, that's worrying, I've seen it twice & not seen that - is it
possibly edited out on the airline version, which is the only
cut I've seen, or was I just not paying attention?

>BTW, Tony Shalhoub was IMO the funniest one in the movie. 

I though Rickman was excellent, but then I suppose you'd expect him
to be.

>Mike Marion -  Unix SysAdmin/Engineer, Qualcomm Inc.
>Sorry, please try again. Thank you for taking the Turing test.
general exception error at 387000:00000 - winbrain overload

Mark - remove any ham to reply. 
"A compiler is a program that takes the pseudo-English gibberish produced 
by a programmer and turns it into the sort of binary gibberish understood 
by a computer."  Linux for the uninitiated ... by Paul Heinlein


From: "Erik Funkenbusch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:20:08 -0500

"Joe Ragosta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:jragosta-> >
Sorry, but the DOJ is not a representative for the consumer.  Nobody on
> > the
> > DOJ staff was elected, nor do they solicit the opinion of consumers or
> > anyone else besides themselves.  The DOJ does what it wants and answers
> > only
> > to the supreme court.
> >
> Wrong -- in almost every respect.
> First, the DOJ also answers to the President.

The president appoints the attorney general, but cannot fire them.  Thus,
once appointed, the DOJ has nothing to answer to the president for.

> Second, the DOJ is concerned about the opinion of users because if
> voters don't like what they're doing, they can vote the Administration
> out of office.

Then explain why every survey of public opinion has sided with MS on this
issue?  Clearly they don't care about the voters opinions here.

> Third, even if the public doesn't vote directly on the DOJ officials,
> it's irrelevant. The public doesn't directly elect the President,
> either. It's a representative democracy.

However, the representatives that elect the president most commonly follow
public voting.

> Finally, even if you persist in your belief that the public has no say
> in what the DOJ does, that doesn't preclude the DOJ representing the
> public.

No, it doesn't preclude them from doing so any more than it precludes a
stalker from representing the intentions of his victims.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Subject: Re: Gnome, KDE: Swing
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:15:40 +0200

It was the 18 Aug 2000 09:46:46 +0200...
> In terms of easy programming the best by far is the
> swing toolkit of Java.

Proof please.
> So, which is more like swing, gnome or KDE?

You should rather ask:

Which is more like Swing, GTK+ or Qt?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 16:17:12 +0200

It was the 18 Aug 2000 01:37:49 GMT...
...and Stephen S. Edwards II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you're looking for substantial, and non-moronic
> material, PBS (do they have that sort of thing in
> Germany?) is your best bet.

See, the reason why I haven't *got* to watch this kind of American
crap every day is that we've got nearly a dozen publicly-funded
channels such as PBS in Germany. And unlike PBS, they're not getting
their funding cut all the time, and they hold more than 50% of the
market share.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
Subject: Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right!
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 17:05:43 GMT

Erik Funkenbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:
>I'm not sure when he'll figure out that everyone is entitled to their
>opinion, but until he does.. he'll remain in my killfile.

I think there are a total of four people on usenet that
can accept that people have a right to thier opinion.
I've occassionally told people to be sure they state an
opinion as an opinion, but I'll fight to the death thier
right to state anything, as long as it is stated as
opinion.  I don't care if you say, "In my opinion, the
vampires are coming in a sucking my blood in the middle of
the night and that is why I am tired."  As long as you've
got that 'in my opinion' qualifier, nobody has a right to
complain.  However, we all have a right to laugh


Nathaniel Jay Lee


Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: Richard Stallman's Politics (was: Linux is awesome!
Date: 17 Aug 2000 21:26:48 +0100

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Hollaar) writes:

>In article <8mkb5i$2fja$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Leslie Mikesell)
>discusses how many angels can dance on the head of a pin:

>>Even more complicated than that: If you accept the oddball concept
>>that all programs loaded into the same address space become
>>derivatives of each other, how do you deal with the case where

>Assuming you are talking about "derivative works" as part of copyright
>law, then nobody with any understanding of the law accepts that concept.

I believe that the only reason this comes up is because the FSF (and
supporters) are worried about the use of libraries/plug-ins as a method
for circumventing the GPL.

Someone may have a great idea to extend a GPLed applicaiton, but may not
wish to put their extensions under the GPL. So, they put their extension
code into a library/plug-in and modify the GPLed applicaiton to call it
if it's present. They then license their library/plug-in as they wish.

"Aha!" say the FSF (and supporters). "This is just a thinly veiled
attempt to create a derivative work from our GPLed applicaiton, and
we're convinced any judge would agree with us. Give us your source code
under the GPL."

And in this case it's true, the intent was to avoid the GPL but still be
able to extend the GPLed application.

Over time the sentence "a library/plug-in linked to GPLed code with the
intention of avoiding the GPL is really a derivative work of the GPLed
code" seems to have changed to the bizarre "any two code segments linked
together are derivative works of each other".

Modifying the GPLed application to run a separate program that contains
your code is apparently OK with the FSF, because running a program is
"normal". I'm sure in the end the FSF will have to accept that calling a
library or plug-in or any dynamic code through a defined API is also

What they need is a good way of demonstrating an intent to avoid the GPL.
Just saying "you put it in a plug-in instead of compiling it in" isn't
good enough these days.

It seems to me that code with a custom API that nothing else uses is
much more suspicious than code using an API that lots of other code
uses.  Maybe they should focus on this aspect... but there are problems
there too :(


Mark Dobie                                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Southampton, UK


Subject: Re: Decent Linux CDR software wanted.
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 11:33:52 -0500

Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, OSguy  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I like Xcdroast (which does use cdrecord and mkisofs programs).  It has done
> >very well for me in Burning both audio and data CDs with a mix of ISO9660 and
> >Joilet filesystems.  I will be even happier for a version of Xcdroast that will
> >have the option to Erase a CDRW disk.
> Xcdroast uses cdrecord to to the real work, so you must have the
> program.  Just do a:
> cdrecord -dev=0,6,0 -speed=2 -blank=all -eject
> (replace the 6 in the dev= with your CD's ID, and use a reasonable
> speed).  If you don't like typing commands, put the command in a file
> and hook it to an icon on your window manager.

Thank you.  That is exactly what I'm doing now.  I'd just like to see it in
Xcdroast one day for convenience....telling it to record to a CDRW, and have it
automatically erase before writing to the CDRW.  It  would be nice, however, I'm
happy with Xcdroast for the rest of the CDR options and use Xcdroast heavily.



Subject: Re: Gnome, KDE: Swing
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18 Aug 2000 11:23:34 -0600


> I think the great desktop of all desktops should be easy
> to program in order to have lots of applications.
> In terms of easy programming the best by far is the
> swing toolkit of Java.

Not everyone believes that Swing is easy... but, the analogy goes like

  GTK/Qt    => AWT
  GNOME/KDE => Swing (plus a whole LOT more) 

> So, which is more like swing, gnome or KDE?

Depends on what you mean by Swing.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: being a nice guy is not self-interest
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 17:23:45 GMT

> Your attempt to use the example of the paranoid schizophrenics to
> demonstrate the alledged disconnect between what people think is
> in their self-interest and what actual is,

A simple example; I hardly needed any more at the time.

> your expressed belief that a PhD (presumably in philosophy) is anything
> but a crude measure of whether one is a "genuine philosopher",

It is crude, but when I'm dealing with crude thinking do you seriously
expect me to explain all the subtleties?

> your failure to answer simple questions,

I've been burned too many times for answering "simple questions" (things
like talking with someone for a week and then their saying "Oh wait, you
aren't a physics grad so everything you said must have been nonsense")to
ever blithely do so again. And considering both 1) that nearly every
person I admire is an iconoclast without any relevant credentials, and
2) I have great contempt for the indoctrination & propaganda structure
of academia, I am *certainly* not going to trust someone who expresses
a desire to judge me based on credentials.

> your whole attitude toward the rest of the world,
> all indicate that you are not to be taken seriously.
> Whether that means you are a troll or just a philosophy major about
> to start his junior year is irrelevent to me.

That's precious. :-)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen S. Edwards II)
Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: 18 Aug 2000 17:29:03 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus) wrote in 

>It was the 18 Aug 2000 01:37:49 GMT...
>...and Stephen S. Edwards II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you're looking for substantial, and non-moronic
>> material, PBS (do they have that sort of thing in
>> Germany?) is your best bet.
>See, the reason why I haven't *got* to watch this kind of American
>crap every day is that we've got nearly a dozen publicly-funded
>channels such as PBS in Germany. And unlike PBS, they're not getting
>their funding cut all the time, and they hold more than 50% of the
>market share.

Hmmm... must be nice.

I spend nearly all of my weekends watching shows
like NOVA, This Old House, The New Yankee Workshop,
and of course, on Sunday, the BBC's Robot Wars,
while I'm working on my 3D projects.

Yes, unfortunately, the PBS in the states is rather
underfunded.  We all try to contribute what we can,
but lets face it, the majority of people want to
watch what the networks provide.

But that's not so bad IMHO... after all, popularity
does tend to make things that are unique, and
of high quality into things that are bland, mediocre,
and lacking in substantial content.

And as long as PBS has the kind of corporate support
that it has had for many years, it's not going to go
away anytime soon.  :-)
|[_]  |  Stephen S. Edwards II |
| =  :|  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
|    -| "Even though you can't see the details, you can sense them.
|     |  And that is what makes great computer graphics."
|_..._|                      -- Robert Abel of Abel Image Research


From: Aaron Ginn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Decent Linux CDR software wanted.
Date: 18 Aug 2000 10:03:56 -0700

OSguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I like Xcdroast (which does use cdrecord and mkisofs programs).  It has done
> very well for me in Burning both audio and data CDs with a mix of ISO9660 and
> Joilet filesystems.  I will be even happier for a version of Xcdroast that will
> have the option to Erase a CDRW disk.
> Nigel Feltham wrote:

I detest Xcdroast.  Mainly because it defaults to writing the iso
image to a partition instead of a file.  When I first started using
it, I overwrote my Win98 partition when I created an image.  Perhaps
it was due to my lack of knowledge at the time, but I still feel
extreme animosity towards the software.  This default is a dangerous
setting, IMO.

I do all my CD-burning from the command line.  I have better control
over exactly what I want to do, and it doesn't hide anything from me.


Aaron J. Ginn                     Motorola SPS
Phone: (480) 814-4463             SemiCustom Solutions
Fax:   (480) 814-4058             1300 N. Alma School Rd.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Chandler, AZ 85226


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen S. Edwards II)
Subject: Re: GNOME & KDE, and the motivation for creation...
Date: 18 Aug 2000 17:32:45 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roberto Alsina) wrote in

>"Stephen S. Edwards II" escribió:


>> For example, I do both 3D and 2D graphics for a living,
>> but often times, I will sit down at my home workstation,
>> and start creating a 3D scene, or animation, simply
>> because it interests me, and I think it would be fun
>> to do.
>> I imagine that OSS developers experience the same sort
>> of elation when they are writing code, that I experience
>> when I come up with a cool demo reel idea.
>Well, it takes something more than that to keep on working
>on the same thing for 3 or 4 years, trust me ;-)

And were you under the impression that most of my 3D
projects only last a few months or so?... :-)

Nope.  Some of them have been works in progress for
the past couple of years now.

Passion for an art is what it is... the driving force
that makes us do what we do.
|[_]  |  Stephen S. Edwards II |
| =  :|  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
|    -| "Even though you can't see the details, you can sense them.
|     |  And that is what makes great computer graphics."
|_..._|                      -- Robert Abel of Abel Image Research


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right!
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 14:44:33 -0300

Erik Funkenbusch escribió:
> "Truckasaurus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8njbps$mpp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Please define "two ways of doing something".
> > If it's the code in the background that is different, I as a user don't
> > care, and thus do not experience fragmentation.
> In order for DnD and CnP to work between two applications, both have to
> support the same mechanism.  Since there is no standard way to do this in
> Linux, you need to either have two apps agree on a standard format, or use
> an environment API that does it.  If two apps support different environment
> API's, then they don't cooperate.

That particular example is bad, because it has already been agreed ;-)

Roberto Alsina (KDE developer, MFCH)


From: Roberto Alsina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fragmentation of Linux Community? Yeah, right!
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 14:46:13 -0300

Erik Funkenbusch escribió:
> "Roberto Alsina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > I don't know about you, but if I'd just spent the last what, 2-3 years
> > > working my ass off on developing something like KDE and then the
> majority of
> > > the Linux/unix community decides to go with a competing effort, I'd be
> > > rather pissed that I had wasted the last 3 years of my life doing
> virtually
> > > nothing.
> > >
> > > That can't be good for the morale of open source developers.
> >
> > Let me tell you, if you check the CVS ML, patches are flying around
> > furiously
> > while we get ready to launch 2.0 and show them what a bad choice they
> > did ;-)
> Great :)  Keep up the good work.  But when it comes down to it, someone has
> to lose this battle eventually.  And one side will have to admit defeat.
> The war may not yet be over, but it will be someday.

I have not seen the emacs capitulation from the emacs/vi war yet ;-)

Roberto Alsina


Crossposted-To: comp.os.nt.advocacy
Subject: Re: It's official, Microsoft® porting applications to Linux
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 09:47:57 -0700

Hello deadpenguin/steve/simon/etc,

You still have not posted and apology and retration of your dishonet and
malicious assult on my credibility.  Until you have, your credibility is


Subject: Re: OS advertising in the movies... (was Re: Microsoft MCSE)
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 09:33:07 -0700

Mike Byrns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8njl4i$peo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8nhq21$mhd$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > > On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 03:05:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (fred) wrote:
> >
> > > You are trying to reply to someone who thinks we have little green men
> > > from Mars walking on our planet....
> >
> > Still spreading that lie?  Provide verifiable proof that I have said
> > "we have little green men from Mars walking on our planet"!  Provide
> > verifiable proof that I have ever said the "little green men" exist at
> all.
> >
> Psychologists would contend that you've just proven that you know exactly
> what they are talking about just by your response.

Really?  And how would you react if a person like Simon/Steve/etc keeps
maligning you and your credibility with such a demonstratable lie with
nothing to back she/he/it up?  She/he/it is contending that I have posted
certain information which I never did.  If you think that my denial is false
and she/he/it is correct?  How about you trying to locate those postings for
youself and see what you find, or more precisly what you don't find?

If psychologists take honest iritation and outrage over fasle accustations
as proof of guilt as you contend, then they are more insane than any of
their patients and/or subjects.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nathaniel Jay Lee)
Subject: Re: Anonymous Wintrolls and Authentic Linvocates - Re: R.E. Ballard says 
Linux growth stagnating
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 17:47:31 GMT

Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:
>"Nathaniel Jay Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Long ago, Drestin Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered the
>> >I state for the record and without any qualification that I do not have
>> >financial motives for supporting Microsoft.
>> [snip]
>> >My company and I uses and resells some MS products and we profit from
>> >this. THAT is how I profit from "MS doing well."
>> Find the contradiction?
>it's not the same as saying I'm paid by MS - sheesh, are you that
>I also sell products from other people, some who are MS competitors, I
>promote their warez too. You guys are really desperate to discredit anything
>MS aren't you? Why do you worry so much? what are you so afraid of?

Hey, I'm not trying to discredit MS in this venture, I'm
trying (and apparently succeeding) in discreditting you.
You say you have, without any qualifications, 'no
incentives' for promoting MS, then you say you have
financial gains to be made because your business succeeds
based on MS products.  That is what we humans call a

As to your 'why do you worry so much?' question, one could
ask the same of you.  Why do you spend so much time trying
to tell us what morons we are for using *nix?  Why does it
hurt you so terribly bad that we don't use Windows?  What
are you so afraid of?


Nathaniel Jay Lee


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen S. Edwards II)
Subject: Re: Is the GDI-in-kernel-mode thing really so bad?... (was Re:     Anonymous  
Wintrolls and Authentic Linvocates)
Date: 18 Aug 2000 17:48:53 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig Kelley) wrote in 

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen S. Edwards II) writes:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Craig Kelley) wrote in 
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen S. Edwards II) writes:
>> >
>> >> XNews is outstanding.  I'm using the WindowsNT port.
>> >> I'd highly recommend it under any platform.
>> >
>> >I like GNUS myself.
>> That's an EMACS macro, isn't it?
>Well, macro is a bit of a jab, unless you consider a VB program or a

I wasn't trying to denounce its usefulness, or
its utility.  I was just asking, because I could
not precisely recall if it was an EMACS macro,
or a some new project that I had not yet heard

Hey, I like EMACS.  I occasionally use it under
Win32, as well as IRIX (I just can't get into vi
for some reason), though I often just jump into
NotePad for quickie stuff.

Actually, I've authored all of my HTML pages in
NotePad.  Not nearly as featured as other editors,
but it's not nearly as "useless" as many would
point out either.

I've been playing around with Vim for Win32 a bit
lately as well... very nice port.  You can get it
as a console or a GUIfied application.

The ':' commands are available in menus, which
makes it nice for people who are just getting
started with vi.  And of course, the menus are
fully customizable.

>Java program to be a macro.  Emacs is a lisp-flavored virtual machine,
>if you will -- and GNUS is a real program written in emacs-lisp

As I said, I meant no disdain.  Again, I
also use EMACS (though likely not nearly
for as many things as Linux/UNIX users do).

>(  When run under XEmacs, you get all the nice
>GUI thingys that everyone seems to love nowadays (I prefer the
>keyboard myself).  The cool thing about GNUS is that it learns what
>you like to read by watching you read stuff (scoring).

Pretty nice.  XNews does that too.

>> I think what I find particularly attractive about XNews
>> is that the interface is just so bloody well laid out.
>> It actually resembles mIRC's interface in many respects.
>I've never used mIRC.
>> Plus, you can configure it up the Yin-Yang.
>GNUS runs under Emacs, so of course you can do anything you would ever
>want to ever even imagine that someone *might* ever want to do. :)

"I don't need an OS... I have EMACS!"  :-)
|[_]  |  Stephen S. Edwards II |
| =  :|  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
|    -| "Even though you can't see the details, you can sense them.
|     |  And that is what makes great computer graphics."
|_..._|                      -- Robert Abel of Abel Image Research


Subject: Learn Linux/Unix NOW!
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 17:43:29 GMT

I am working toward my MCSE, but when I do a job search, they all have
Unix and Linux bundled in.  How do I learn about it? any CBT's or great
books or videos ?

Thanks !!

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Aaron R. Kulkis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Would a M$ Voluntary Split Save It?
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 13:30:39 -0400

Mike Byrns wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:399c5f83$1$yrgbherq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >What did the United States "win"? Last time I checked - MS is still
> business
> > >as usual. Live with that.
> >
> > You are a complete idiot!  The case is not finished.
> >
> > Do you come here because no one anywhere else will talk to you.  Your
> brain
> > damaged image of reality, makes normal people wonder.   -- I do think all
> you
> > trolls should start your own newsgroup and play with other.  The rest of
> us
> > can raise funds for a trophy that you morons can award to the dumbest
> jackass
> > between you.  Maybe we could somehow work it in with the Darwin Award, and
> get
> > rid of some other morons here.
> Let me guess.  You are a Linux fanatic.  You hide it so well.  I'm just
> waiting for one of you psycho Line folks like Kulkis to mount a grassy knoll
> outside the Redmond campus and REALLY stand up for your cause.  Then the

Don't tempt me.  Gates has destroyed so many lives that he has
sacrificed any right to his own.

> world would see just how deluded and hateful of success some of you folks
> are.  I'm not categorically damning all linux folks -- I think everyone
> knows who this is aimed at, including the parties in the crosshairs, so to
> speak :-)

Aaron R. Kulkis
Unix Systems Engineer
ICQ # 3056642

I: "Having found not one single carbon monoxide leak on the entire
    premises, it is my belief, and Willard concurs, that the reason
    you folks feel listless and disoriented is simply because
    you are lazy, stupid people"

J: Loren Petrich's 2-week stubborn refusal to respond to the
   challenge to describe even one philosophical difference
   between himself and the communists demonstrates that, in fact,
   Loren Petrich is a COMMUNIST ***hole

A:  The wise man is mocked by fools.

B: "Jeem" Dutton is a fool of the pathological liar sort.

C: Jet plays the fool and spews out nonsense as a method of
   sidetracking discussions which are headed in a direction
   that she doesn't like.
D: Jet claims to have killfiled me.

E: Jet now follows me from newgroup to newsgroup
   ...despite (D) above.

F: Neither Jeem nor Jet are worthy of the time to compose a
   response until their behavior improves.

G: Unit_4's "Kook hunt" reminds me of "Jimmy Baker's" harangues against
   adultery while concurrently committing adultery with Tammy Hahn.

H:'re a retard.



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