Am Donnerstag, 16. April 2015, 22:36:17 schrieb Herbert Xu:

Hi Herbert,

>Hi Stephan:
>Currently DRBG is seeded with entropy from get_random_bytes.
>However, get_random_bytes is basically the kernel version of
>/dev/urandom.  So there is no guarantee that you're actually
>getting the amount of entropy required.
>Are you sure this is compliant with the DRBG specification?

I do not see a specific requirement in SP800-90A about the quality of the 
noise source.

But SP800-90B specifies tests and assessments about the quality. When applying 
that specification, I applied some initial assessments: /dev/urandom complies 
with SP800-90B when disregarding the very early boot stage (i.e. when assuming 
that the input_pool received sufficient entropy).

The only shaky time is the boot time until the nonblocking_pool/input_pool has 
been sufficiently seeded.

That said, I already developed an in-kernel version of /dev/random. I sent the 
patch to LKML some half year ago. If I understood Ted Tso right, there is no 
general objection against adding that in-kernel interface. See [1] for the 

Furthermore, I already started working on updating the DRBG to use that in-
kernel /dev/random interface.

Shall I pursue that work in earnest now?


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