Mason wrote:

> I'm using Linux on a embedded system similar in spec to a desktop PC
> from 15 years ago (256 MB RAM, 800-MHz CPU, USB). The system's primary
> use is recording high-definition digital television programs.
> Typically, the storage sub-system consists of a recent hard-disk drive
> connected over USB (Hi-Speed, effective throughput ~20-30 MB/s), using
> a single ext4 partition (journal disabled), mounted noexec+noatime
> (trying to minimize metadata interference).
> Typical bit-rate for this HD content ~1-3 MB/s
> Data is accumulated in two 800-kB buffers; when one buffer is full,
> it is written to file (using write(2)), which was opened O_SYNC.
> (Note to self: try O_DSYNC instead of O_SYNC)
> If I plot the latency of the write(2) operation, 99% of them complete
> in under 80 ms. However, in rare cases, there is a huge latency spike
> (up to 800 ms). If several of these rare outliers occur in a row,
> the recording is messed up.
> I am trying to figure out the source of these latency spikes.
> It could be the OS, the USB controller, the HDD controller... I was
> hoping I could use ftrace to determine whether the problem came from
> the OS itself. Is that the best tool for the job?
> Any recommendations on how to proceed?

A few people suggested other tools, which I'll give a try; but
I wanted to share my current measurements, in case someone sees
something obvious I am missing.

First of all, I'm using kernel 3.1.10 with "vendor patches"
(which may or may not alter performance and/or behavior).

I wrote a simple test app (attached) which times and ftraces a
single synchronized write of 786432 bytes.

The program reported a latency of 275 ms for the operation
(run in SCHED_FIFO -50 on an otherwise idle system)

I used a USB analyzer to "spy" on the bus during the transaction.

According to my analyzer, the data write was split into 7 transactions
(6*122880 + 49512)

- The first write command  was issued at 18.307930
- The first write transaction started at 18.310230
- The first write transaction   ended at 18.313567
(3337 µs to transfer 122880 bytes, i.e. 36.8 MB/s)
- The  last write transaction   ended at 18.368911
(58681 µs to transfer 786432 bytes, i.e. 13.4 MB/s not great, but OK)
- Then one more write (4096 bytes, metadata probably) ending at 18.374458

=> so, from the perspective of the bus, the entire transaction
took 66.5 ms, yet from the perspective of the OS, it took 275 ms.

I've attached the (xz compressed) ftrace (

If I'm reading the trace right (which is unlikely) the system spent
64 ms in __filemap_fdatawrite_range
(which is close to the "actual" latency of the bus transactions)
212 ms (??) in schedule

 0)               |  schedule() {
 0)               |    __schedule() {
 0)               |      add_preempt_count() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* add_preempt_count */
 0)               |      rcu_note_context_switch() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* rcu_note_context_switch */
 0)               |      _raw_spin_lock_irq() {
 0)               |        add_preempt_count() {
 0)   0.000 us    |        } /* add_preempt_count */
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* _raw_spin_lock_irq */
 0)               |      put_prev_task_idle() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* put_prev_task_idle */
 0)               |      pick_next_task_fair() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* pick_next_task_fair */
 0)               |      pick_next_task_stop() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* pick_next_task_stop */
 0)               |      pick_next_task_rt() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* pick_next_task_rt */
 0)               |      pick_next_task_fair() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* pick_next_task_fair */
 0)               |      pick_next_task_idle() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* pick_next_task_idle */
 0)               |      _raw_spin_unlock_irq() {
 0)               |        sub_preempt_count() {
 0)   0.000 us    |        } /* sub_preempt_count */
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* _raw_spin_unlock_irq */
 0)               |      sub_preempt_count() {
 0)   0.000 us    |      } /* sub_preempt_count */
 0)   0.000 us    |    } /* __schedule */
 0) ! 212000.0 us |  } /* schedule */

Am I reading this right? 212 ms doing nothing?

212+64 is close to the 275 reported by my application.

How can I "drill down" to understand what is happening
inside schedule?

[I would be grateful if you could CC me in your replies. Thanks!]


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <time.h>

#define BUFSIZE (192 << 12)

static void clear_trace(void)
  int fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace", O_WRONLY);
  if (fd < 0) perror("open trace");

  int res = write(fd, &fd, sizeof fd);
  if (res != sizeof fd) perror("clear trace");


static void dump_trace(char *save)
  int fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace", O_RDONLY);
  if (fd < 0) perror("open trace");

  int fd_out = open(save, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
  if (fd_out < 0) perror("open save");
  while ( 1 )
    char buf[8000];
    int res = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf);
    if (res <= 0) break;
    write(fd_out, buf, res);
  close(fd_out); close(fd);

static void toggle_tracing(char val)
  int fd = open("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on", O_WRONLY);
  if (fd < 0) perror("open toggle");

  int res = write(fd, &val, 1);
  if (res != 1) perror(__func__);

static int64_t now(void)
  struct timespec spec;
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &spec);
  return spec.tv_sec*1000000000LL + spec.tv_nsec;

int main(void)
  struct sched_param param = { .sched_priority = 50 };
  int err = sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
  printf("sched_setscheduler=%d\n", err);

  char *buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
  if (buf == NULL) return 2;
  memset(buf, '+', BUFSIZE);

  int flags = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_SYNC;
  int fd = open("foob", flags, 0600);
  if (fd < 0) return 3;

  strcpy(buf, "WARM UP");
  write(fd, buf, 4096);
  strcpy(buf, "SHOW TIME");

  int64_t t0 = now();
  write(fd, buf, BUFSIZE);
  int64_t t1 = now();

  printf("LAT = %9lld\n", t1-t0);
  return 0;

Description: Binary data

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