Maximilian Stein <> writes:

Using config file: /var/lib/fai/config/disk_config/LVM_LUKS_EFI
   Executing: wipefs -af /dev/sda1
   Executing: wipefs -af /dev/sda2
   Executing: vgchange -a y vg1
   Executing: wipefs -af /dev/vg1/root
   Executing: lvremove -f /dev/vg1/root
Executing: head -c 2047 /dev/urandom | od | tee /tmp/fai/crypt_dev_sda3
   Executing: vgchange -a n vg1
   Executing: vgremove vg1
   pvremove  /dev/mapper/crypt_dev_sda3
   (STDERR)   No device found for /dev/mapper/cyrpt_dev_sda3
   Command had non-zero exit code

Are you sure that cryptsetup is installed on your stick/cd/nfs installer? The log output does not have any

Yes, it’s installed. When it’s missing, setup-storage terminates before creating any partitions.

Basically no part of this output makes any sense to me. It’s activating a vg here:

   Executing: vgchange -a y vg1

But it either hasn’t (or isn’t logging) the creation of the VG.

Then it deactivates and removes the VG:

   Executing: vgchange -a n vg1
   Executing: vgremove vg1

Then tries to remove the PV.

Is it trying to tear down the existent (broken) disk structure instead of overwriting it? Otherwise, I don’t understand what it’s trying to do by removing the PV containing the LVs it’s supposed to install onto.

Maybe you could also try to use the "Plain disk + LUKS + LVM2" example directly (i.e., with a legacy PC bootloader, maybe even in a VM). I think I once had this running in the past for testing.

I can give that a shot, but I’ll need some kind of EFI solution for this.

For debugging setup-storage related issues I found it useful to add the "-d" option. After an installation has failed, you can just run setup-storage manually from the command line or via SSH and check the contents of its internal lists of the actual and desired config.

Sorry for the dumb question, but where would I add the "-d" flag? I’m creating a CD image and booting it on the target machine using Ventoy on a USB stick.

 -- Ian

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