On Feb 5, 2006, at 9:11 AM, Peter Kruse wrote:

Good Morning,

Huang Zhen wrote:

It looks that the code deems the HA_CCMUID as group id and HA_APIGID
as user id.

Right, I just stumbled across that problem, too, The error message is:
ERROR: mask(io.c:readCibXmlFile): /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml must be owned and read/writeable by user 17, or owned and read/writable by group 65

But there is no user id 17 nor group id 65 on this system...
Even doing chmod -R a+w * on /var/lib/heartbeat/crm doesn't help.

writable by all is dangerous so I dont look for it.

HA_CCMUID and HA_CCMUSER (and the API user) are both detected by configure.in and used in config.c

*  Enable all these flags when  KEY_RELEASE2 is enabled...
*       apiauth cib             uid=hacluster
*       respawn hacluster       /usr/lib/heartbeat/cib

Doesn't your heartbeat user/group match on your nodes?

Andrew Beekhof

"Eating fruit is mean and vicious... keep your hands off Golden Delicious" - TISM

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