Hi there,

one of the greatest issues the Linux HA project has is the organization
of our Wiki. Information is duplicated, not always kept uptodate or not
easily found. (Which leads to duplication, not being kept uptodate, and
is a vicious cycle devioused (any word can be verbed!) by the devil

We need your input - because you are our users, and you know best what
you need to find, and what you are looking for. And we need your help,
because the Linux HA project is, while being actively developed by paid
gurus like Alan and Andrew and zhenh and sunjd, still short on
resources, and documentation tends to be one thing we're not good at :-(

It'd be great if you could help with this task and update the
information you find wrong (even if you just flag it as such, either on
the wiki page itself or by filing a bugzilla), fold duplicate pages into
one, suggest better ways of organizing it et cetera. 

(A thousand bonus points for helping to document the design choices we
have made so we can actually remember the discussions we've had! ;-)

I don't have money to put behind this, but I'll buy you pizza and a
beverage of choice when we meet at some conference. And, I hope, Alan
will send you a HAt for substantial contributions ;-)

And of course there's the personal fame. Publishers will be after you,
trying to beat eachother to your doorstep about a Linux HA book,
magazine articles and such. The audience goes wild, articles of clothing
get thrown at you and stuff.

Sign up now at http://www.linux-ha.org/ ;-)

    Lars Marowsky-Brée

High Availability & Clustering
SUSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH - A Novell Business     -- Charles Darwin
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge"

Linux-HA-Dev: Linux-HA-Dev@lists.linux-ha.org
Home Page: http://linux-ha.org/

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