
it seems that in 2.0.5 the attribute rsc_state to lrm_rsc_op has
disappeared. And has been replaced by rc_code and op_status.
But it is not the same.  In order to remove errors in the
cib, so that resources are started again, or nodes can take over
again, I used to do something like this:
Search in "<lrm_rsc_op" for "rsc_state=start_failed" or
"rsc_state=monitor_failed" and clear it with:

crm_resource -C -r $resname -t primitive -H $hostname

But this is not the same now, as the return code can be
non-zero as a result of a probe action, which in this
case does not mean error.  So how can I find out which
resources I can safely delete from the lrm without
causing much harm?


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