On May 17, 2013, at 10:14 AM, Lars Ellenberg wrote:

> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 10:42:30AM -0400, David Vossel wrote:
>>>>>>> The use of 'auto_activation_volume_list' depends on updates to the LVM
>>>>>>> initscripts - ensuring that they use '-aay' in order to activate logical
>>>>>>> volumes.  That has been checked in upstream.  I'm sure it will go into
>>>>>>> RHEL7 and I think (but would need to check on) RHEL6.
> Only that this is upstream here, so it better work with
> debian oldstale, gentoo or archlinux as well ;-)
> Would this be good enough:
> vgchange --addtag pacemaker $VG
> and NOT mention the "pacemaker" tag anywhere in lvm.conf ...
> then, in the agent start action,
> vgchange -ay --config "tags { pacemaker {} }" $VG
> (or have the to be used tag as an additional parameter)
> No retagging necessary.
> How far back do the lvm tools understand the "--config ..." option?

--config option goes back years and years - not sure of the exact date, but 
could probably tell with 'git bisect' if you wanted me to.

The above would not quite be sufficient.  You would still have to change the 
'volume_list' field in lvm.conf (and update the initrd).

What you are proposing would simplify things in that you would not need 
different 'volume_list's on each machine - you could copy configs between 


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