[Izar: Note the question at the bottom of the message]

> > Regarding GNOME vs. KDE: I didn't ask which is better; It's a
> > religious question, and involves personal taste, etc. I only asked
> > if one of them is more suitable to RH while another one is more
> define "suitable" then? they are not different operating systems, just
> slightly different RPMs, collections of utilities, and default desktop
> configuration.

I meant "integration". In the previous versions, GNOME was known
to be best integrated into RH, and among the RH-based distros, KDE
was known to be best integrated into Mandrake. So my question is
if it is still true with RH6.2 and Mandrake7.1 (I heard that it is
not true anymore). In addition, there are specific customization
of the various distros. For example, what I mentioned about
Hebrew. I asked if the Hebrew that Mandrake added, translate both
By the way: With 7.1, Mandrake is no more a RH derivative.

> > What should I do? If it doesn't support NFS, then it's useless. Not
> > only for my needs, but for 90% of the people. And what is the
> I have two machines at home but I don't use NFS. the NFS itself is
> buggy, why trust it over a beta FS when I don't trust it over a stable
> one?

All of the world use NFS for MANY years. I can't just ignore all
of them. Especially with the too many types of UNIX that I have;
The only way to connect all of them to the same file system, is by
using NFS. And besides, I'm quite satisfied with NFS (as other
millions of users), and trust it even for backups.

>                               I'm sure there's no problem with two
> machines (server and mounter), the problems begin with 4 mounting
> clients and up accessing the same files, I don't have the resources to
> build and test such a network.

I'm not going to use so many clients simultaneously, so I guess that
there is no problem for me. Izar: Did you experience the problems
that you mentioned only with high number of simultaneous clients, or
also with 1-3 clients?

Eli Marmor

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