On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Omer Musaev wrote:
> Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
> > I have a program which I want it's binary to contain a "version string",
> > the kind of string RCS automagically makes for you if you ask it nicely.
> >
> > GCC (rightfuly) complains about the string not being used. GCC does
> > offer the __attribute__ ((notused)) attribute, but it's only for
> > fucntions, not variables. Is there any inteligent way to tell it to shut
> > up for that specific variable? (except the obvious way of artifcially
> > using it?)
> volatile

GCC still complains. Any other ideas? 

Gilad Ben-Yossef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
                                          Tel:  +972-54756701 
   GP: Is Eris true?                      Fax:  +972-15154756701
   M2: Everything is true.                HTTP: http://benyossef.com
   GP: Even false things?                 GPG:  64C5 8B59 74D5 8FAE F097
   M2: Even false things are true.              8DF8 4590 CE75 F444 6178
   GP: How can that be?                   SMS:  http://benyossef.com/how.html
   M2: I don't know man,I didn't do it.   IRC:  Fidros

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