On Mon, Sep 18, 2000, Gavrie Philipson wrote about "Re: Serial Terminal.":
> Udi Finkelstein wrote:
> > Look at http://realweasel.com
> > 
> > This ISA card emulates a PC monochrome video adapter card and keyboard through a 
>serial device.
> Please note that some so-called "server motherboards" have such a
> feature built in.
> For example, I have a server with an Intel Lancewood motherboard, which
> will let you use a serial console at BIOS-level. Very cool.

Many years ago, I was bit by such a bios feature :) I was running AT&T
System V Release 4, on the console (without X windows) of a 386sx machine,
and everything was great until one day everything seemed strange: I couldn't
see text attributes (like colors) on the screen, and output to the screen
was about 100 times slower than usual (the output of ls, for example, would
scroll about one line every second). I couldn't for the life of me figure
out what's wrong, and on some point I was sure I got some wierd virus, although
no antivirus could find it.
After several days of wasting my time looking at every possible configuration
parameter, I finally found the problem: my BIOS configuration was set up to
send a copy of all the video text output to the serial port (or printer,
I don't remember). I still don't know what caused it to start behaving this

Nadav Har'El                        |        Monday, Sep 18 2000, 18 Elul 5760
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