On Mon, Jul 15, 2002, Barak Kaufman wrote about "Re: knesset meeting on open source":
> Oz-Tech is a company that is oriented in promoting linux to the small -medium 
> business sector and supporting it ...
> unfortunatley it seems like it wont go anywhere since getting investitions 
> (even in such a promissing project) was impossible ...
> RIP another idealist ... :)

I wonder, is the days of doing a startup in your garage with a couple of
unemployed friends all gone?

With an investment of, say, 100,000 shekels, you can rent an appartment
for a year, buy a few crappy computers and even employ someone with minimum
wages (say, a secretary, to make the place appear to be a respectable
business). The "partners" in such a company would only get paid when some
business comes in - and hopefully enough business would come in to give the
partners minimum wages after a few months (if it doesn't, it's time close the
company) and maybe even hire employees.
I know that a new office in Herzelia and 50 highly-paid employees with
company cars sound better, but only if you have someone throwing millions
at you, and at this point it isn't very easy...

I remember, about 8 years ago, when I was invited for some business meeting
with one of the first Internet companies in Israel, called "Macom" if I
remember correctly (they were perhaps the first commercial company in Israel
to do sites for other companies; they went belly-up a few years later, if
I remember correctly). They were a bunch of young guys operating from a
shoddy rented appartment in a residential area of Jerusalem. I came there
with a bus (they didn't offer to send a cab to get me), and the CEO of the
company cleaned a glass from the dirty sink and offered to make me a drink
(no coffee-making machine, no business meeting in the downstaires arcafe).
They expected their business to survive and grow (it didn't unfortunately),
not to make $10,000,000 in the first year and be valued at $1 billion after
the second.
I wonder if it's impossible to do the same thing nowadays.

Allons enfant de la Patrie
Le jour de gloire est arrive!

Nadav Har'El                        |           Monday, Jul 15 2002, 6 Av 5762
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