On Mon, Sep 09, 2002, Oleg wrote about "Re: [OT] proposed israeli laws regarding 
internet and encryption":
> 2. You may USE any product you want, even if it's not on the list if you
> only using it, not development or selling, etc.

Where did you read that?? According to the turtle
You need a license except for uses where a license is exempt; License
is exempt for buying, using, selling, etc., of a "free means", where here
free has nothing to do with free-software, but rather one of the means of
encryptions listed on a special list of "free means".

If some software or algorithm (?) is not on that "free meeans" list
you cannot legally use it, if I understand what I read correctly.

> NOTE: I am not a lawer, I HATE lawers :-)

Watch out, Jerry Seinfeld got into a real mess when he said that he
hates dentists :)

Nadav Har'El                        |        Monday, Sep 9 2002, 3 Tishri 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
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