On Fri, Sep 27, 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote about "Re: BitKeeper Cont. [was Re: My 
projects are gone (fwd)]":
> I am not going to _force_ Larry to free BitKeeper. I have no intention of
> doing that. I am going to give Larry no choice but to free it. This is
> called outcompeting.

No, this sounds more like armed roberry... :(

Shlomi, because of BitKeeper's license, I'm not even considering it for
anything. I'm using all sorts of other source-code control systems,
but I didn't even bother looking at BitKeeper. I suggest you do the same.
Forget about BitKeeper, just like you don't write Bill Gates about making
his operating system free. Shlomi, your insistance in this issue simply
does not make any sense!

The only reason BitKeeper's license is a problem to the community is because
Linus decided to use it for source-control of the kernel. This issue has been
discussed to death in the Linux-Kernel mailing list. But why should you
care about that so much??? Do you have many patches you want to commit into
the kernel?? Besides, for years the Linux kernel did not use any source-control
system at all, so you can go on pretending that it still doesn't.

I suggest you simply pretend that BitKeeper does not exist. Continue using
RCS or CVS, and be on the lookout for other free-software source code control
systems. Or if you want, start your own project, but be aware that it isn't
a trivial one. I'm still using, sometimes, my own source-code control system
which I wrote many years ago. But it was more simplistic than RCS, not the
other way around.

> I have no intention to commit any crime. My intentions are solely focused
> on advocacy and writing code. But mark my words: AFA the free software

Note that ad-hominem advocacy, saying over and over on various public lists
how a single relatively-private individual is wrong (and worse), can (and
will) be considered unacceptable slander, not advocacy. Please leave mr.
McVoy alone and pick a more constructive way to further your goal.

One such constructive way, but a very hard one, can be to do your own
project. Another can be to learn some replacement (e.g., the Aegis you
described) and explain to us here why we should try it. Once that Aegis
(whatever it is) becomes commonly used, you can be sure that people will
start improving it - maybe to the point it will be good as BitKeeper.

Nadav Har'El                        |      Friday, Sep 27 2002, 22 Tishri 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |My greatest fear is that no-one will
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |remember me after I'm dead - some dead guy

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