Meanwhile I thought about questions to RMS.

1. What is RMS' exact position about software which is burned into ROM and
   put into an instrument/device/appliance?  Should the customer have
   access to the source code and to a means for replacing the software?

2. What if the "ROM" mentioned in (1) is really a PROM or flash ROM, which
   is modifiable in field?

3. Sometimes, in order to be able to finish modifying software for which
   you have the source code, you need to be able to prove that your
   modification has no unintended consequences.  Therefore you need access
   to a regression test suite.
   In view of the above, should such a regression test suite be
   considered as "source code" (meaning form in which is the easiest to
   modify the software) as far as GPL is concerned?  If not, why not?

On Wed, 18 Dec 2002, Ely Levy wrote:

> ok I have 2 to offer,
[... snipped ...]

                                             --- Omer

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