On Wed, Feb 19, 2003, Ira Abramov wrote about "Re: need tool for high quality 
typesetting, unicode-capable":
> http://www.index.co.il/dfus/article_page.asp?info_id=112840

very interesting links!

> Sadly, the Bible is partly a project of the Hebrew Uni, but I see no
> publication of theirs on the subject. If there was any justice, all the
> information from and about the project would have been available to the
> public, including fonts and sources.

Right, the hiding of information in Israeli universities and other state-
funded institutions is a real shame. American univerisities produced BSD
(UC Berkeley), X11 (MIT), Tcl/Tk (UC Berkeley), Kermit (Columbia),
and tons of other stuff, while Israeli universities produced - what?

And when finally some good free software does come out of an Israeli
university (Mosix), people start to complain about it and the only
righteous man in Sodom that wrote it, and fork it off.
As Seinfeld likes to say, "That's a shame...".

Luckily, if you want to get the text of the bible, it is avaliable, in
http://www.mechon-mamre.org/. That is actually a very good site: you
can get the entire bible in various formats (ktiv male, with niqqud,
with te`amim, etc.), as well as browse or search it online. I use it for
all my biblical needs :)

However, I don't know how "official" or "verified" their version of the
texts is. I also don't know what their license for the text is - though
in my opinion (and I'm not a lawyer) Israeli copyright laws recognize only
innovation, not hard work, so a online bible that basically contains the
same text as existing bible *can not* be copyrighted. (If anybody knows
this to be false, please correct me).

P.S. The niqqud-less versions of their site looks beautiful in Mozilla.
Unfortunately, the ones with niqqud look horrible, because Mozilla renders
those on the side, not below the letters. Does anybody on this list knows
when, if ever, Mozilla are planning to support Hebrew diacritical marks?
I'm also interested in Arabic diacritics, that also don't work properly :(

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