David Harel wrote:
Hi all,

Since I was afraid my machine got infected with a worm that sends spam emails I have created a small script based mechanism that gives me

Check that you don't have a public HTTP proxy on your machine.

warnings whenever an smtp socket is opened (poling and parsing output of netstat - more ideas?). This mechanism is due to start automatically at

Is this a Linux host? I'd add an iptables rule to log outgoing TCP packets. To cut down the load you might filter only such packets with connection state of NEW. Forward a copy of the suspected packets to a ULOG iptables target (it's a "non-terminating" target) and use ulogd (http://www.gnumonks.org/projects/ulogd, or just use Debian) to handle the forwarded packets. Disclaimer: I've never used this tool. Would be very interested to hear if you succeed with it.

boot time and is set that it will give text based warnings or xmessage warnings depending on the existence of X11 processes. This mechanism works but I have to manually set xhost after I start my X11 environment.

Don't use XHOST authentication. It's too insecure. Point this process to a proper XAUTHORITY cookie.

Now I need more ideas of how to give warnings or how to set xhost automatically.

If you are the only user who logs in on the X console then you can setenv XAUTHORITY to ~hadeldvd/.Xauthority for this process so it can get the right magic cookie. Otherwise you can probably do some symlink tricks or "xauth extract | xauth merge" the cookie to a file this process can read.



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