
Following some recent article about Skype's network load which isn't consistent with my experience, I'd like to try to measure the network traffic generated by my Skype process.
Now it's not that trivial to just watch a particular TCP or UDP port (or even a port range) since my Skype is defined as a "Super-node" which exposes it to the net and apparently causes it to open variable port numbers. (I did this because it drastically cuts down on the number of hops used in conversations and therefore drastically increases Skype's international call quality and reliability).

So far I haven't found a program which does such a thing, talking to a colleague we immediately reached the idea of sticking a wrapper to the relevant system calls which will either track number of bytes read/written or dynamically configure libpcap filter to watch the new stream.

But before embarking on such a project I wonder whether anyone in the wide world of open source haven't done such a thing already.



"(a grizzly) can tear through a tree like a Jewish mother
through self-esteem."              - The Simpsons

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