On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 10:34 +0200, Aviv Greenberg wrote:
> Can you send an output of cat /proc/interrupts ? Is there any device
> sharing the IRQ line with the network interface?

On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 22:14 +0200, Oron Peled wrote: 
> 6. Why guess?
>       watch -n10 -d cat /proc/interrupts

/proc/interrupts looks like this:

          CPU0       CPU1       CPU2       CPU3
  0: 2818676796 3045096095 2597715597 3039460137   IO-APIC-edge timer
  1:          0          2          0          0   IO-APIC-edge i8042
  9:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi acpi
 12:          0          1          1          2   IO-APIC-edge  i8042
 14:    6144547      86113    5937042      85048   IO-APIC-edge  libata
 15:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC-edge  libata
 16:          1          0          0          1   IO-APIC-fasteoi
uhci_hcd:usb1, ehci_hcd:usb6
 17:        234         13        197         11   IO-APIC-fasteoi
 18:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi
 19:          0          0          0          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi
 22:         24         24         25         23   IO-APIC-fasteoi
2289:  426764360         12  153890890   25567190   PCI-MSI-edge eth1
2290:  184062475   14352363 1146094937   36605794   PCI-MSI-edge eth0
2292:  253368176   26799612  221976501   20082294   PCI-MSI-edge cciss0
NMI:          0          0          0          0
LOC: 2910906978 2910907454 2910906845 2910907935

I haven't calculated diffs exactly yet, but on first glance it looks
like eth0 interrupts are happening at about 150 a second while cciss0
interrupts are happening at about 20 per second. Also eth0 interrupts
happen almost exclusively on one CPI (currently 2 at the moment) and
cciss happen on two CPUs (0 and 2). I'm not sure what's up with CPU1 and
3 - is it possible that because these are the "2nd cores" on each chip
that they don't get as many interrupts ? isn't 'irqbalance' supposed to
do something about it ?



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