On Mar 6, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Rami Rosen wrote:

 - I asked about Laptops without Windows; they offered me some MSI
laptops (which I didn't like so much).
These MSI laptops are with freeDos

I have an MSI Wind U100 and love it. It's small, lightweight and has a full sized keyboard.

I run Windows XP Pro English (not the Hebrew Home version that came with it), a BSD variant, and carry a disk on key that boots Ubuntu. Since they decided not to include the Wifi drivers for it on the latest version (the one with it it won't be out until April), I did not bother allocating disk space to Ubuntu. If I had installed it, I could have manually installed the WiFi.

I do about 75% of what I do under BSD, and almost all of the other 25% via ssh and now Xwindows to a Linux computer (also running Ubuntu). I only boot Windows to load a device driver that is not available for either Linux or BSD, and once it is loaded they will work with the device. Before I got the device, I booted Windows once every 3 weeks or so.


geoffrey mendelson

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