On Aug 13, 2009, at 2:05 PM, Danny Lieberman wrote:


I'm sorry. Did you actually read Besson and Meurer?

I did and I think they did an excellent job of making their case that software patents do not have economic benefit for the industry

I did. You can download the paper from GROKLAW. In this case, I think it's something you agree with because you agree with it. I don't and was not further convinced by them. If anything, I found that the only thing that they made a convincing argument for is that the US needs better judges.

In any case, what I have not seen, although it keeps being asserted is that there is no case where total gain of software patents has ever exceeded the total cost. In specific, Microsoft.

I will say, since you said "the industry" instead of "a company", that's hard to disagree with. The industry, as it were, includes all of those people that make their living taking other people's work, making a profit on it, and giving them no return. This is the exact thing that patents were intended to prevent.


geoffrey mendelson N3OWJ/4X1GM
Jerusalem Israel geoffreymendel...@gmail.com

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