On Monday 13 June 2011 at 15:53:39 (GMT+2) Gilboa Davara 
<gilb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Enough already.
> The RMS thread-craze is *clearly* against the rules and guide-lines
> of Linux-IL mailing list, as it has little to do (if any) with, and
> I quote "Linux related *questions* and *discussions*" (emphasis
> mine).

It does seem that the discussion has come to a well-deserved end. But I 
do not think it was off topic. What to do about the conditions that a 
proposed speaker places on his agreement to speak can't possibly be 
irrelevant to the rules of the principal communication tool of the 
organization. The mere fact that the topic has exercised people means it 
was important and relevant. It lasted so  long only because the smug 
arrogance of the speaker and his spokesman were not fully revealed until 
very recently.

> ML owner: Time to intervene?
> - Gilboa
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Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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