On 07/18/2012 04:50 AM, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
What is important here is speed and painless ramp-up to some fairly low
level. I want to be up and running as fast as possible with as little
coding as possible. No need for bells and whistles. No need for long
term maintenance. It is for a throw away demo/prototype - and yes, I am
sure it (the GUI part) will be thrown away.

Any suggestions / experiences / war stories / whatever?

I've been using fltk since 1999, with great success. It is remarkably simple compared to just about every other framework out there, and it is ridiculously fast (but only slightly less capable than Qt). This is the toolkit that CinePaint switched to from GTK.

It is "C+-" style - that is, it is C++ as it was usable in the year 2000: Classes, but no multiple inheritance; no exceptions or rtti used; threads supported by virtue of keeping GUI on one thread, and providing simple signaling to the GUI thread.

It is "90s" style - that is, there are a lot of globals. Don't diss it until you've tried - the code is simpler and faster as a result, and nothing is missing; e.g., if you want to draw text in in red with helvetica, size 10, you just do:

fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 10);
fl_draw("text", x, y);

It is very well documented, and comes with tens of simple-to-understand yet very useful examples.

If you do take fltk, you want the recently released 1.3 branch (ignore 2.0).

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