On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:50 PM, ik <ido...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Vala, is a very stupid idea. it's a C# like language that is translated
> into C and then built a native code.

I disagree. I am not familiar with C# so I can't comment on that, but Vala
very nicely reflects the beauty of the GObject system. Especially in C it
is easy to miss that because of the very tedious syntax you need to use,
e.g. to define an derived class. In Vala the syntax is very concise.
Regarding the fact that it compiles to C, as long as I have an automatic
build system, what do I care what it compiles to? But most other high
language bindings to Gtk are just as easy to use (e.g. Python, Lua, or

 With Lazarus, you program in a real programming language, and instead of
> using a middleware, you just cod your code, and the GUI is designed without
> any line of code (unless you have to, or just want to do it like that).

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Lazaurus, but it seems to be based on Pascal.
Unless it's Pascal dialect has changed completely  since my TurboPascal
days, it is still a language that is inferior to e.g. Python or Vala. Don't
know what you mean by "not having to design the GUI". If you want it to
look in a certain way you have to specify that.

>> Regards,
>> Dov
> Ido
>> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:29 PM, yochai <yoc...@titat.info> wrote:
>>> Shlomi,
>>> I gave it as an idea as I understood he doesn't need a full GUI or
>>> anything with a shiny look but to print a lot of data very fast.
>>> I'm sorry if I miss-understood anything.
>>> Yochai
>>> On 07/19/2012 12:12 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 12:02 PM, yochai <yoc...@titat.info> wrote:
>>> >> Sorry, I thought it will be clear what I'm speaking about.
>>> >>
>>> >> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_DirectMedia_Layer
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > I would recommend against SDL, because creating a decent GUI with it
>>> > will require a lot of work, and on top of it will give you a giant
>>> > window of raw graphics in the screen, which isn't very user-friendly
>>> > or impressive. SDL is good enough for games, but not for a GUI
>>> > application.
>>> >
>>> > There used to be a GUI library for SDL called "ParaGUI" but its home
>>> > page is currently down. I'm not sure if it could fix all of SDL's
>>> > limitations in regards to its usability as a GUI platform.
>>> >
>>> > Regards,
>>> >
>>> > -- Shlomi Fish
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> On 07/19/2012 11:37 AM, Omer Zak wrote:
>>> >>> On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 10:55 +0300, yochai wrote:
>>> >>>> Hey,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> It isn't the first idea that comes to mind but what about SDL ?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> How about giving an URL to a Website or a Wikipedia article, which
>>> >>> describes the specific SDL that you refer to?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> When searching both resources, Google returned irrelevant links
>>> >>> and Wikipedia was rather ambiguous.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks, --- Omer
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >>
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