On Thu, 16 May 2013 07:50:36 +0300
Nadav Har'El <n...@math.technion.ac.il> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 23, 2013, Nadav Har'El wrote about "Cloud Backup":
> > Hi, I'm looking for a "cloud backup" solution for Linux, where I'll
> > be able to use "rsync", "sftp" (and similar utilities) to a remote
> > server to back up by files, and when needed, look at individual
> > files (e.g., using sshfs) or restore all my files.
> >...
> > 
> > For the last 3 years, I've been using the services of "rsync.net",
> > and they're doing exactly what I want. However, the storage price I
> > pay them is 40 cents per gigabyte per month, is 4 times that of
> > Amazon's, so I think there must be a cheaper solution.
> If anyone was following this thread, I'll give you the latest news.
> rsync.net just announced (see
> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5638295) that during May, they
> sell 50 GB of quota for $60 a year. I switched to this deal, and it
> gives me 4 times the quota (!) I've been getting up to now, at a
> price of just just 10 cents per gigabyte per month. Now it will be
> much easier for me to backup my Linux system without thinking twice
> about the quota, and I don't need to code anything on Amazon.

What happens in June? I was looking at
http://www.rsync.net/resources/faq.html#13 , and that listed the price
before quantity discounts at $0.80/gigabyte_month, so with my 30 GB,
I'd be paying $24/month. I like the idea of using rsync or sftp to
upload and download my files, but $24/month is pretty steep.



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