On Mon, 21 May 2001, Gerhard Mack wrote:

> Subject: Re: VIA's Southbridge bug: Latest (pseudo-)patch
> > Its what I would describe as lack of enforcement by trading standards bodies,
> > and I suspect what the US would call 'insufficient class action lawsuits'
> What we need is a web page for listing crap hardware so less people buy
> it.

There _is_ a list of unsupported hardware.  But I don't really think one
should look down that route rather, I agree with Alan (lawsuits).

I'm holding off
saying anything for now to via as someone mentioned one of their
developers was posting on here not to long ago about the problem... I'll
admit lately I've been reading my mail with the del key, but from the
messages I have read related to the via problem, I have not heard anything
more about it.  Are they fixing it or ignoring it?  I know for windows
there is an official bios patch, and some other patch.  But
.. well..  what about linux? :)

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