On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 10:38:54AM +0200, Ilia Sergachev wrote:
> Fix the style of block comments.
> Move trailing */ to a separate line.
> Checkpatch was showing:
> WARNING: Block comments use a trailing */ on a separate line.

You are doing well Ilia. A few nitpicks

- Your first subject was better (excluding the filname) :) it was more

- staging has a small 's'. You can verify with;
  $ git log --pretty=oneline drivers/staging/ks7010/ks_wlan_net.c 

- You may like to describe the problem first, then what the patch does
  to fix it;


   Describe your problem.  Whether your patch is a one-line bug fix or
   5000 lines of a new feature, there must be an underlying problem that
   motivated you to do this work.  Convince the reviewer that there is a
   problem worth fixing and that it makes sense for them to read past the
   first paragraph.
   Once the problem is established, describe what you are actually doing
   about it in technical detail.  It's important to describe the change
   in plain English for the reviewer to verify that the code is behaving
   as you intend it to.

The actual patch looks good to me.

Hope this helps,

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