
Could not find the proper person hence putting it in general mailing
list, A file named "REPORTING-BUGS" is missing in the current release
of the linux kernel i.e. v4.11.

I found this is when using debian tools to compile a latest release
using command,

"fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=1.0.AN kernel_image kernel_headers -j 4"

The error i received was,

"install -p    -o root -g root  -m  644 REPORTING-BUGS
install: cannot stat 'REPORTING-BUGS': No such file or directory
debian/ruleset/targets/headers.mk:40: recipe for target
make[1]: *** 
Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/anilnair/linux-kernel/linux-stable'
debian/ruleset/local.mk:102: recipe for target 'kernel_headers' failed
make: *** [kernel_headers] Error 2"

Though I could find the same file in linux kernel v4.8.6.

Anil Nair

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