On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Mike Ricketts wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Ion Badulescu wrote:
> > So I'm asking the same question, to all those who have seen unexplained
> > filesystem corruption with 2.4.0: are you using IDE drives? If the answer
> > is yes, can you check the logs and see if, at *any* point before the
> > corruption occurred, the IDE driver choked and disabled DMA for *any* of
> > your disks?
> I have both IDE and SCSI drives in my machine, but have only seen
> corruption on the SCSI drives.  That doesn't mean that the problem only
> exists on the SCSI drives - they IDE ones are not frequently written to.
> I have disabled DMA myself on all my IDE drives because if I enable it,
> the IDE driver always chokes the first time they are anything like
> hammered (well, it always used to - I haven't actually tried it recently).

This is the kind of data point that is needed.
A possible storage class independent problem.
More important, what was the first kernel you began to notice this
problem.  Next, I need you to enable the DMA engine in ATA to verify that
is happening on both classes.


Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development

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