Hi Otavio,

Am Sonntag, 25. November 2018, 22:19:02 CET schrieb Otavio Salvador:
> According to the Rockchip vendor tree the PMU interrupt number is
> 76, so fix it accordingly.
> Signed-off-by: Otavio Salvador <ota...@ossystems.com.br>
> Signed-off-by: Fabio Berton <fabio.ber...@ossystems.com.br>

looks ok, especially as the TRM I have doesn't list neither irqs :-)
But please explain the second Signed-off by Fabio?

If Fabio is the original author, the patch From should reflect that
and the Signed-off-by lines should be swapped. As it is now
I would expect Fabio being the one sending the patches.
Or is it supposed to be a "Co-developed-by:"?
See Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst.


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