On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 02:55:15AM +0100, Andrea Arcangeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [wakko@<removed>:/home/wakko/test] rmdir "`pwd`"
> > rmdir: /home/wakko/test: Invalid argument
> Some other OS with a yet different retval? :)

It can be much worse (irix-6.5.4):

   bash# mkdir x; cd x; rmdir "`pwd`"
   /x: Can't remove current directory or ..

Here the error message makes sense - but is totally wron in this case :(

And here is linux-2.2.18:

   cerebro:~# mkdir x; cd x;rmdir "`pwd`"
   cerebro:~/x# ls -la
   total 6
   drwxr-x---   0 root     root           35 Jan  9 05:54 .
   drwx------  69 root     root         5372 Jan  9 05:54 ..
   cerebro:~/x# cd
   cerebro:~# ls -la x
   ls: x: No such file or directory

So, no, linux certainly does NOT remove "." ;)

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