I think I've found a bug in swapfs:

swapfs          /dev/shm        swapfs  defaults 0 0
swapfs         /tmp    swapfs  defaults 0 0

When I hit <enter> on a tar.gz file in Midnight Commander nothing happens. If 
I do a umonut /tmp and hit <enter> again it works as It should (I see the 
archived files).
Nearly the same Problem with the Acrobat Reader pluin for Netscape. It shows 
only a blank page when /tmp is swapfs.

I've noticed that it's possible to mount /tmp more than once. mount shows then
swapfs on /dev/shm type swapfs (rw)
swapfs on /tmp type swapfs (rw)
swapfs on /tmp type swapfs (rw)
swapfs on /tmp type swapfs (rw)
swapfs on /tmp type swapfs (rw)

The permissions for /tmp are rwxrwxrwt, and even -omode=777,exec didn't help.

Any Ideas?

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