Am Samstag, 19. Januar 2008 schrieben Sie:
> I have a question concerning the ordering of devices during the boot
> process and I hope that the kernel mailing list is the right place for
> this question. In my computer are two raid controllers with one raid
> array connected to each of them (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb). In the debian
> 2.6.18 boot process the ordering is root @ /dev/sda and data are on
> /dev/sdb. This behaviour has changed in the plain (and
> kernel. The /dev/sd(a|b) devices have switched so that root @ /dev/sdb.
> So my standard fstab does not work. What determines the device ordering
> during the boot process? What is a workaround for this problem?

Well, it's a major pain in the a**. I've no idea, what reversed the order of 
PCI devices, but I had to disable the automatic dvb driver loading in order 
to get the picture back (dedicated vdr system with one FF and one budget 
card). I could have taken the route of exchanging the cards, but that would 
have been even more painful..

Oh well,

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