On 21 August 2012 02:58, Alex Shi <alex....@intel.com> wrote:
> On 08/20/2012 11:36 PM, Vincent Guittot wrote:
>>> > What you want it to keep track of a per-cpu utilization level (inverse
>>> > of idle-time) and using PJTs per-task runnable avg see if placing the
>>> > new task on will exceed the utilization limit.
>>> >
>>> > I think some of the Linaro people actually played around with this,
>>> > Vincent?
>> Sorry for the late reply but I had almost no network access during last 
>> weeks.
>> So Linaro also works on a power aware scheduler as Peter mentioned.
>> Based on previous tests, we have concluded that main drawback of the
>> (now removed) old power scheduler was that we had no way to make
>> difference between short and long running tasks whereas it's a key
>> input (at least for phone) for deciding to pack tasks and for
>> selecting the core on an asymmetric system.
> It is hard to estimate future in general view point. but from hack
> point, maybe you can add something to hint this from task_struct. :)

per-task load tracking patchsets give you a good view of the last dozen of ms

>> One additional key information is the power distribution in the system
>> which can have a finer granularity than current sched_domain
>> description. Peter's proposal was to use a SHARE_POWERLINE flag
>> similarly to flags that already describe if a sched_domain share
>> resources or cpu capacity.
> Seems I missed this. what's difference with current SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER

SD_SHARE_CPUPOWER is set in a sched domain at SMT level (sharing some
part of the physical core)
SD_SHARE_PKG_RESOURCES is set at MC level (sharing some resources like
cache and memory access)

>> With these 2 new information, we can have a 1st power saving scheduler
>> which spread or packed tasks across core and package
> Fine, I like to test them on X86, plus SMT and NUMA :)
>> Vincent
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