On 1/4/13 4:47 PM, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
[Please Cc me on any replies; I'm not subscribed to lkml]


I recently upgraded from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1 to get around some MM issues that
have been bothering me. However, it appears it broke PEBS:

   pannekake:/usr/src/linux-3.7.1# perf record -a -e cycles:pp

   Error: sys_perf_event_open() syscall returned with 95 (Operation not 
supported).  /bin/dmesg may provide additional information.

   Fatal: No hardware sampling interrupt available. No APIC? If so then you can boot the 
kernel with the "lapic" boot parameter to force-enable it.

Known problem. Pick one of: update perf to 3.7, add H to the command (-e cycles:ppH) or apply this patch: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/12/28/384

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