In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Narayan Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> "Mike" == Miquel van Smoorenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Mike> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Mike> Narayan Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi. I have started having serial console problems in the last bunch
>>> of kernel releases. I have tried various 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 ac kernels
>>> (up to and including 2.4.5-ac4) and the problem has persisted. The
>>> problem is basically that serial console doesn't recieve.
>Mike> The serial driver now pays attention to the CREAD bit. Sysvinit
>Mike> clears it, so that's where it goes wrong.
>Mike> I don't think this change should have gone into a 'stable'
>Mike> kernel version. 2.5.0 would have been fine, not 2.4.4

Okay it was 2.4.3 when it went in

>How would I go about resetting this so that serial console worked
>again? thanks...

Fix sysvinit. Oh and all getty programs etc - everything that
mucks around with termios.

Alternatively revert the change to drivers/char/serial.c

See also

Oh *ahem* I just read the entire thread again and I remembered it
wrong. It's not the CREAD handling perse, it's something else that
has changed that caused this, but it appears that a solution
hasn't been found yet. Except for fixing all user-space programs.
Sysvinit, agetty, busybox etc etc

Okay so ignore my earlier comments. Sorry.


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